Louisa Clark

Louisa Clark’s practice is primarily concerned with the translation of the environments we occupy and our relationships with our surroundings. Line and tone have evolved as fundamental catalysts of Clark’s observation and practical work. Louisa is playing with and exploring the materiality of line that facilitates tactility, tone, and colour. Sculpture has become the cornerstone of her current practice, not necessarily perceived as polished pieces, rather as a process that informs her two-dimensional works. Fragments of Clark’s surrounding environment, in particular often overlooked structures, have taken her interest, which she has been translating into unfired clay. Rigid, robust structures are re-established into smaller, doughy, and fragile sculptures. Creating the sculptures as a first process then allows joyous freedom within her paintings. Having the flexibility to play with scale and perspective within Louisa’s sculptures allows her to manipulate the importance, unimportance, and fragility of the fragments. A focus on our surroundings and how we observe them are critical to the way in which she thinks and initiates a piece of work. The ambiguous nature of the subject also allows and encourages an individual experience when viewing the works. Louisa’s work aims to form different perspectives on familiar things, inviting a type of playful observation.

Check out Louisa’s work below!

Louisa Clark - Instagram

Louisa Clark - Website


Nick Macneil


Maggie Royle