Libby Skamfer

Libby Skamfer's paintings explore the dialogue between her emotions and materials revealing stories not known before but those that are unfolding within the confines of a visual experience.

Libby’s paintings evolve from her intuitive spiritual side and they flow naturally from her creative centre. The final painting is much more than she could have produced on artistic merit alone.

Painting with varied techniques allows Libby to express her heart and soul through the emotional language of colour, shapes and textures. Multiple layers married with paint, mediums and often paper applied onto a rigid board surface with various tools: brayers, bowl scapers, palette knives, putty knives, brushes and anything else that may be useful. Textures are created to give interest and depth during which various layers, sometimes one and sometimes many, are scraped or rubbed off to reveal what lies beneath in a random fashion.

Keep scrolling to see a selection of Libby’s work!

Libby Skamfer - Instagram

Libby Skamfer - Website


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