Devon Reina

Devon Reina is an abstract artist whose artistic journey has been shaped by his exploration of various mediums and his innate ability to critique art from a young age, influenced by his father, the Long Island-based artist Doug Reina.

In his artistic practice, Reina continuously strives to challenge the legibility of his work, prompting viewers to engage in a delicate balance between looking and seeing, interpreting and re-interpreting the intricate manipulations made to the canvas. Drawing inspiration from his product design background, he approaches his materials as collaborators rather than mere tools, forging a cooperative relationship that underscores his meticulous attention to their physical properties and forces.

This dedicated focus on materiality grants Reina's primary 2-dimensional designs an ethereal quality, evoking a sense of movement, distance, and light. By skilfully manipulating his chosen materials, he breathes life into his creations, inviting viewers into a captivating world where atmospheric elements converge with abstract forms.

Through his artistic endeavours, Devon Reina invites audiences to delve beyond the surface and immerse themselves in a profound exploration of perception and visual interpretation. His interdisciplinary background and unwavering passion for materiality shape his artistic vision, resulting in captivating artworks that bridge the realms of design and abstract expression.

Check out Devon’s work below!

Devon Reina - Instagram

Devon Reina - Website


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