Alexandros Magkos

Alexandros Magkos’ paintings are full of layers. His process is a reaction to what he perceives as reality, a juxtaposition that includes both harmony and controversy. Alexandros continuously adds layers in order to remove, build and excavate.

Regarding the visual and plastic qualities of an image, what interests Magkos is the relation between figuration and abstraction. In relation to the above, he percieves abstraction as the non secure place of change where anything is possible. And figuration as the search for a secure place, a sign, something familiar. Overall, his intention is to depict this state of changing and tribulation, using basic painting qualities such as colour, shape, synthesis, time and space.

See Alexandros’ work below!

Alexandros Magkos - Instagram

Alexandros Magkos - Website


Clara Lemos


Devon Reina