Sarah Boyts Yoder

In a world that all too often insists on inevitability and separateness, Sarah Boyts Yoder’s paintings are playful refusals of these false assurances and fixedness. Using a visual lexicon of symbols she has generated over time, each work articulates how space constantly extends and collapses all around us and how joyfully form can evade our need for categorization. What emerges are welcoming and engaging spaces for imaginative play, a celebratory take on color and material, and an invitation to open up. In this context, Boyts Yoder sees the paintings as hopeful, optimistic acts, and the mode of abstraction as a generous state of being.

See a selection of Sarah’s work below!

Sarah Boyts Yoder - Instagram

Sarah Boyts Yoder - Website


Inga Dalrymple


Patrick Michael Fitzgerald