Oliver Lunn

Oliver Lunn is interested in found materials charged with history as he hunts for old magazines and picks up old papers in the street. He manipulates these paper materials to create something that’s painterly and expressive. The work itself is multi-layered, stemming from a process that continually adds and subtracts.

Part of his inspiration comes from the urban environment where he lives, the excitement of being out in the world and noticing things, marks on walls, half-legible text and torn down posters. In his work he embraces mishaps, marks and stains. He employs soft colours and faint imagery that aren't always visible on first glance, with quiet details lurking in the background.

For Lunn, the combination of ghostly marks with a muted palette express a calmness and sensitivity. There’s a quiet chaos in the work where disorder meets order, structure meets chaos, and an overall sense of things breaking down or fragmenting beneath a surface.

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Oliver Lunn - Instagram

Oliver Lunn - Website


Coco Morris


Inga Dalrymple