Liliane Tomasko

Liliane Tomasko’s body of work has always explored, in one way or another, the domestic sphere, our immediate surroundings and in particular the bed, where we spend a large part of our lives. If our home is the interior to which we return everyday for respite from the outside world, sleeping and the dream realm are where we go to even deeper levels of ourselves. It is a kind of journey to our most intimate space, a descent into the storehouse of our memories, our hopes, fears and desires, and the accumulation of our ideas and beliefs.

In dreams, elements of reality come together to make constellations that would otherwise be unimaginable. We create new connections between things, space and time. There is a sense of experimental freedom, dominated by the surreal and paradoxical, a relief from the logic and reason that shape the waking hours.

This sense of impossible simultaneities finds its way onto Liliane’s canvases, through a process of transformation that starts with a photograph of an unmade bed and ends up as an abstract painting.

See a selection of Liliane’s work below!

Liliane Tomasko - Instagram

Liliane Tomasko - Website


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