Dunja Krcek

Dunja Krcek’s work visually researches the concepts of the atmosphere, relational space, ambience, the felt sense and uses the term collage as a connection for all juxtaposing methods as she is mastering the process of bringing shapes and materials of different origins together to create.

When painting, Dunja relates to the idea of metamorphosis and the experience of an ambivalent gap between herself and the painting which she explores with paint in its various states. Kreck is interested in the visual exploration of movements and patterns that she finds within her own mind and body as well as her movements.

With all of her work, she aims to define intimate spaces, which invite curiosity and imagination to thrive. Preparing this framework guides her concentration to inner places that incite both excitement and calm. These are places that allow Dunja to be still and to have the opportunity to listen, while also instilling a sense of eagerness to take action. Dunja’s relationship with her work frequently changes as she often finds herself needed to disengage from it in order to expose new meaning. It is only within this dialogue of vulnerability that the artists work reveals new paths and narrations.

Check out Dunja’s work below!

Dunja Krcek - Instagram

Dunja Krcek - Website


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