Karl Bielik

Artist, Karl Bielik, creates visceral process driven oil paintings where the surface evolves out of chance encounters between marks and colour, the paintings are often heavily layered and reveal the history and doubt of the decision making. Karl tends to work on thirty or so paintings at a time which range in scale from intimate to large. Drawings, diagrams or photographs may inform the work in its formative stages, but essentially Bielik’s work emerges from the physical process of painting.

Loose oily wounds and thick emulsions offset light glazes and dribbles. The artist paints and paints over, turns the canvasses around, pours paint and scrapes and scratches. Karl shifts from one piece to another and chooses not to focus on completion, just nudging a painting from one position to another.

See Karl’s work below!

Karl Bielik - Instagram

Karl Bielik - Website


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