Gabriel Coca

Gabriel Coca is an artist who studies the relationship of the mind and space. He states ‘I think in the painting as a way of contemplation, reflection, knowledge and self-knowledge. Through this encounter different elements which, together, in their interaction, are being transformed in a language of their own.

I am interested in the relationship between the mind and the way that is outside of the mind, the matter; and the instrument to help me in this quest is the imagination, which acts as a bridge between the form and the mind. You can observe different types of stain, some arise spontaneously and are situated in front of others that are the product of reflection. Some in the vertical direction, others in the horizontal direction, relate and communicate their situation in harmony and in times of conflict. In all these paintings is present this conflict between two forces. The light and shadow, the clarity and the darkness.’

Gabriel expresses the conflict in his art through his use of vibrant and strong colours which are applied in thick layers on the canvas.

See a selection of work by Gabriel below!

Gabriel Coca - Instagram

Gabriel Coca - Website


Alejandro Áboli

