Camilla Näsholm

Camilla Näsholm creates bold, colourful, and unapologetic abstract paintings that exist in the intersection of fine art, semiotics, and street art. Her style is an expression of her upbringing in the rugged north, the accumulation of multicultural experiences she has gained from her years of travel, and her artistic training as a painter and designer. The overarching goal of Camilla's paintings is to disrupt mind-driven logical thinking and lure the viewer into experiencing a direct connection with their gut-driven instinctual intellect.

A central concept in Camilla's art practice is the Swedish expression "Fulsnygg" which translates to "ugly-handsome," a more common term in English might be Jolie laide. Through the interplay of colours, textures, and shapes, she explores how to combine the two opposing concepts of ugliness and beauty to infuse the painting with powerful tensions and an eye-catching edge that charges the image with energy to draw the viewer in and transfers it's strength to them. Through her art, she hopes to remind people of the inexhaustible power we all have within.

See Camilla’s work below!

Camilla Näsholm - Instagram

Camilla Näsholm - Website


Kate Dolan


Mary Lynn Burke