Formation Art

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Yeonsu Ju

Yeonsu Ju sees painting as an imaginary space where you can meet lost loves. The painting process, for Yeonsu, is a ritualistic ceremony for mourning and recalling the dead. Her inspiration comes from ‘Gijesa’, which is a spiritual ritual practiced in Korea as a way for Koreans mourn for the deceased. It is a Confucian memorial rite held to honour the ancestors at the earliest hour on the anniversary of their death with food offerings prepared the day before.

Ju portrays dining scenes, where she considers herself to be the host often serving her feelings in edible form in the hope of becoming a part of her guests. The figures, become an ironically rebellious force as they continually cause delays in the dining process. As the delays continue Ju’s wishes of them being unable to leave become a reality.

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Yeonsu Ju - Website