Tianshu Zhang

Tianshu Zhang’s semi-abstract figurative paintings are often inspired by dreams, memories, fantasies and all forms of stage performance, rendered with traditional painting and drawing materials. With distorted, exaggerated human bodies and mysterious spaces in her paintings, Tianshu continually explores the themes of human nature, emotions, and desires.

Zhang is a painter who is drawn to work about her own experience of the world. The sense of distance and mystery plays an important role in all her works. Tianshu’s nomadic childhood and family experiences have made her sensitive to emotions and often lament the fleeting beauty of life. She always think about how the environment affects us individually and how each of us responds to the ephemeralness of our surroundings.

See Tianshu’s work below!

Tianshu Zhang - Instagram

Tianshu Zhang - Website


Tuan Vu


Michael Clarence