Sharon Alviz

Born in Barranquilla Colombia, Sharon grew up near the ocean and instantly connected with the space and nature that was surrounding her. Photography soon became her passion and before long she moved to Bogota where she studied at the French Academy of the Image.

Sharon’s photography has a true focus on clear visual language whilst also detailing a feeling of unsettled peacefulness. She explores towns, cities and rural areas to help seek out inspiration for her work. The subject of her work is the power of the mind and it’s a narrative that reflects her individual perspective and outlook on life.

Alviz has also produced a number of photographic series including ‘As Above So Below’ which is based on the ancient scriptures of the Kybalion, which contains in its principle’s relevant ways of assimilating life.

See work from ‘As Above So Below’ and more of Sharon’s photography below!

Sharon Alviz - Instagram

Sharon Alviz - Website


‘The Signs are Showing’ by Nick Booth
