Selena Beaudry

Selena Beaudry’s work is created by a series of marks or perhaps, lack of marks. At some point during her artistic journey, Selena began to cut up drawings. Cutting up her work led to a rediscovery of her visual language. It brought up questions in her studio practice. What is a mark and what can I do with it? How can I push these marks in new and different directions? Each of Beaudry’s pieces begins to take on its own essence or story. A piece can be about a foggy day, a woman with smeared lipstick on her face, or eating so much you might throw up.

Colour has always been central to her work and Selena uses it in a number of ways. It can be personal, from a memory or used as a tool like punctuating a sentence. The colour shifts subtly as well as dramatically creating a sense of play in her work.

In the end, all of the work has been inspired by Selena’s surroundings, adventures and encounters and is a reflection of her ideas of beauty, indulgence, seduction and frivolity.

See Selena’s work below!

Selena Beaudry - Instagram

Selena Beaudry - Website


Graham Lister


Teresa Stanley