Formation Art

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Nicky Hodge

Nicky Hodge’s work occupies a completely abstract territory. She mainly works in acrylic on unprimed canvas, working directly and spontaneously without reference to anything specific in the real world. Some of the paintings that emerge out of the process are saturated in watery acrylic that gets poured on and then rubbed away to further expose the surface. Other works are more layered, using subtle colour and sweeps of minimal gestural marks. All of these muted and mainly monochromatic paintings rely on touch and are indicative of a practice that has developed counter to the more extravagant narrative of expressionism.

Nicky often incorporates materials recycled from her own discarded paintings. The surfaces of these collage works are quiet and spare, relying on the subtle texture created by different materials such as filler, spray, ink or a heavier weight canvas. As no two works are particularly similar, often difference becomes a defining factor with works sitting together in contrasting pairs or small groups of varying size. Steeped in an allusive and unsystematic approach, the works draw upon memory and experience and sit somewhere between joyful playfulness and minimalist restraint.

Check out Nicky’s work below!

Nicky Hodge - Instagram

Nicky Hodge - Website