Louise Langgaard

Danish artist, Louise Langgaard’s, work focuses on space, colour and tranquillity whilst consistently experimenting with colours to see how they affect each other. Often asking how little or how much it takes to create space while searching for a sense of serenity within the image.

Louise is very precise in her work as she uses tape to create hard edges, however as the viewer looks closer they begin to see small imperfections such as paint that may have found its way through the tape or lines that might not be exactly straight.

At the same time, Louise paints many layers which creates texture in the painting. The textures the layers create, is a reference to the process in the creation of the work. The structure in the painting comes from the small lumps of solidified remnants of paint that remain on the canvas. This helps to understand Julie’s methodical approach to painting as we can see, first hand, the process behind the final image.

See Louise Langgaard’s work below.

Louise Langgaard - Instagram

Louise Langgaard - Website


Fabio Mesa​


Julie Karpodini