Kaja Stumpf

Kaja Stumpf’s work examines memory, self-representation, and the body as landscape. She is interested in the non-verbal coping mechanisms we apply in an attempt to deal with emotional needs and why we use our bodies as currency to communicate in a visual language to the outside world what we value and how we feel on the inside. Kaja’s background in fashion design impacts her understanding of the body as a tool for self-expression and fuels her need to dig deeper into the ideas behind the exterior. Through painting, Kaja revisits past experiences, in an attempt to understand what shapes self-image and behaviour. Utilising staged images and the photographic family archive, Kaja alters the colours to create a sense of delayed familiarity, and by applying a digitally inverted filter, a parallel scene is revealed.

See Kaja’s work below!

Kaja Stumpf - Instagram

Kaja Stumpf - Website


Johanna Kestilä


Roman Goss