Formation Art

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Emily Platzer

Emily Platzer’s artistic practice is based on painting and expands this field to incorporate sculpture and textiles. The gestures within Emily’s work reach towards a bodily rather than overtly figurative outcome; forming feminine entities that propose nuanced interpretation of female archetypes. The tropes of the mother, maiden and lover play out as she engages in a process of making that preforms subconscious and unconscious experience as incentive for the work.

Platzer’s paintings embody and give tactility to experience, and typically are complete within a single visit. This experiential process in which she enters and exits the work is in symbiosis with her use of time sensitive material processes. Emily converts powdered pigment to paint using traditional tempera techniques, either distemper; pigment and rabbit skin glue or egg tempera; egg yolk and pigment. Pigment and colour testing is an important aspect of her studio process. She collects and processes natural pigments from different regions and uses them alongside chemically synthesised colours.

Check out Emily’s work below!

Emily Platzer - Instagram

Emily Platzer - Website