Elvira Amor

Elvira Amor's paintings question the experience of existing, of being a body among bodies, of change and metamorphosis. From these general questions emerge other derivatives such as the relationship between knowledge and perception.

Elvira Amor paints directly on the raw canvas, so each painting is a complete record of her process. She often begins by applying unprimed acrylic, so colour soaks into and dyes the fibers of the fabric, becoming one with it. In her work, this technique has a double genealogy: on the one hand, the artisan dyeing of traditional Indonesian fabrics (batik), where the artist began her training, and, on the other, the use that the modern pictorial tradition similar to that of Jackson Pollock and Helen Frankenthaler. The raw canvas becomes an integral medium, while maintaining its character as an untouched, negative space. The canvas plays an essential role in Elvira’s works as it allows her to establish different types of tensions between the forms and the support.

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