Diana Savostaite

Diana Savostaite’s paintings serve as a visual diary, capturing daily experiences and gathering diverse fragments from the world that surrounds her. Diana draws continuous inspiration from nature, observing and immersing herself in everything she sees, hears, and feels, capturing the sensual moments of the present.

Savostaite is fascinated by the details such as the interplay of colours, textures, and the ever-shifting play of light and shadows in both natural landscapes and urban environments. Growing up in the tranquil Lithuanian countryside, Diana was fortunate to experience simple pleasures like walking barefoot in the warmth of summer, swimming in wild, immersing herself in the sounds of nature, or gazing at the stars beneath the expansive night sky. Her deep-rooted connection to Lithuanian heritage undoubtedly shapes her artistic palette, steering Diana towards the vibrant hues of green and blue in her artworks.

Check out Diana’s work below!

Diana Savostaite - Instagram

Diana Savostaite - Website


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