Formation Art

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Clara Lemos

Clara Lemos’ work is an attempt to express the subjective concept of beauty – it draws inspiration from her emotional states, but also from the most ordinary and mundane little things. It is about giving context and meaning to all the forgotten details. Clara is particularly drawn to the imperfect beauty of urban walls. Random marks, irregular textures, and leftover paper, have all become key features of her work.

As a self-taught artist, Clara does not feel bound to any conventions or rules, and she truly enjoys the freedom and intuitive nature of her creative process. Lemos loves the endless possibilities, the surprises, the revelations.

The artist primarily uses acrylic paint, but often adds other media to her paintings, including pencil, pastels, charcoal, spray paint and all kind of found materials such as fabric, cardboard, paper, thread. Whilst she is drawn to black and white minimalism, her work is commonly enriched by texture and some spurs of colour.

Check out Clara’s work below!

Clara Lemos - Instagram

Clara Lemos - Website