Charmaine Chanakira

Charmaine, who was born in Zimbabwe, is an abstract expressionist artist who’s style is a mix between pop art, Japanese manga and African art. Charmaine’s work is a reflection of her own experiences facing injustice and she aims to make a change within her community by challenging social issues and encouraging people to open up about their mental health.

Charmaine states that ‘What always made me feel better was painting or drawing, creating artwork that detached me from the material world. I trained as a graphic designer but I found that painting carried me away to a place where I was calm, safe and unjudged. I wasn’t bound to creating something perfect, I didn’t have to colour within the lines. I travelled to a place where I was face to face with my feelings and confronted them with every brush stroke. Eventually, I managed to pick myself up and return to a healthy thought cycle. From my experience using art in a therapeutic manner, I felt compelled to explore this professionally.’

Her passion for people has encouraged her to begin a career in the mental health sector. She understands the benefits art has as a way of helping people to express their emotions and to reflect on their feelings. Charmaine wants to build on her past experiences with mental health by helping others continue their journey through art.

See a selection of Charmaine’s work below!

Charmaine Chanakira - Instagram

Charmaine Chanakira - Website


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