Formation Art

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Bettina Marx

Bettina Marx's works oscillate between painting, drawing and installation. mostly abstract in appearance, her works and interventions are directly related to everyday observations and to landscapes she explores on her travels, and the surrounding space. Spatial dimensions of painting are probed by the artist placing her works in direct correspondence with the respective architecture, allowing them to enter it and examine forms and volumes.

Beyond the boundaries of image carriers such as canvases and painted wooden boxes, of large-format paper webs, and genres, Bettina explores the material qualities and aesthetic potentials of woods, textiles and paint in a process-oriented and experimental manner. Tree trunks and mattresses are used as printing blocks as well as in expansive installations, oversized frottages are made on historical walls, and silk fabric panels function as image carriers and room dividers in equal measure. painted, printed or collaged abstract, figurative and organic forms alternate in patterns and repetitions, always retaining their painterly moment. drawings always remain the starting point, are companions on her journeys and at the same time form an archive of her observations. 

See Bettina’s work below!

Bettina Marx - Instagram

Bettina Marx - Website