Audrey Stone

When observing shifting colour and light in nature Audrey Stone finds herself paradoxically experiencing both excitement and calm, a dynamic opposition that she seeks to bring into her work.

To create images that are simultaneously stimulating and serene, Audrey employs subtle gradients of colour in bands of varied widths. Stone enjoys the way the eye and brain process the transitions from one colour to the next, informing the viewer’s emotional and physical response to the work.

As she paints, Stone builds each colour towards what feels like a fulfilled moment before moving on to the next colour. She moves across the canvas as though taking a walk or marking a calendar. The transitions from one colour to the next can register as fast or slow, undulating between warm and cool passages. Depending on where the viewer is standing, the transitions can appear sharp or fuzzy, as if the painting were vibrating, slightly distorting one’s vision.

Check out Audrey's work below!

Audrey Stone - Instagram

Audrey Stone - Website


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