Amber Wallis

Amber Wallis’ works are an ode to the staining and the materiality of feminism. They demonstrate her desire to paint with technical limitations, where painting becomes an exercise in restraint and quiet consideration. They necessitate a delicate hand. Amber never allows the paintings to be over worked or laboured. What remains is a very conscious intention to leave images in their magical first conceptions. The paint is allowed and encouraged to stain, this process allows her to then expand her conceptual interests through the abstracted surfaces on the canvas.

Wallis likes to blur the lines between domesticity and erotic fantasy, interior space and landscape while allowing ambiguous or ghostly figures to also occupy space. Amber is interested in navigating her experience of being a woman and single mother. The psychological space of architecture from the 1970s handmade house movement references her early childhood living within an alternative utopian turned dystopian community in New Zealand, as well as her current place of residence in Northern NSW, the home of Australia’s first counter cultural communities.

Check out Amber’s work below!

Amber Wallis - Instagram

Amber Wallis - Website


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