Alex Puz

 Alex Puz is a painter who lives and works in New Haven, Connecticut. His painting practice focuses on color study, optics and linear abstraction and explores the gap between emotion and cognition. Puz's process oriented painting practice systematizes color and line resulting in dense and ornate chromatic fields.

Alex builds paintings from back to front in a process of strict accounting by mixing gradients in sequences of varying hue, value, and saturation. He then applies tape and masking fluid to the canvas to create networks of thin stripes that intersect at slanting angles. The colour-modulated lines weave together and produce animated patterns that simultaneously recall cabaret curtains, a stovetop flame and aurora borealis. 

See Alex’s work below.

Alex Puz - Instagram

Alex Puz - Website


Ikeorah Chisom Chi-FADA


Lucy Gogoliuk